Kids team huddle during an outdoor game

Teaching children about collaboration and team work at a young age is extremely important. And team sports are a great way to keep kids active and entertained, develop important skills that will help them in their futures and build character. Sports like basketball, soccer, and hockey provide children with a community of friends and peers that offer a support system outside of their homes or school. Below we’ve listed some benefits of team sports!

Great Sportsmanship

With single player sport games, you’re only dependent on yourself and your own skills. With team sports, it is a collaborative effort. You learned to share responsibilities with other members and learn to succeed and sometimes, fail together. Playing in team sports teaches kids to work together and encourage each other. Even if someone makes a mistake, a team should always support one another and pick each other up! Great sportsmanship is a valuable skill that will be beneficial for children as they grow up.


Teamwork is a valuable lesson to teach at a young age, as it will be important in the future as well. Teaching children to rely on others and work as a team encourages them to think holistically. Everyone brings their own skills, talent, abilities and even perspective to the game, which can all be helpful in different ways. It also teaches discipline. You need to make sure you’re on time and playing your best because there is a whole team of people counting on you to show up and do your part!


Team sports also provide kids with a community of peers with common interests and goals. It is a great way to socialize children both inside of and outside of school. Extra curricular activities can improve children’s time management skills and keep them active and entertained outside of school work. Playing a common sport, training and working towards the same goal is a great way for kids to make friends and bond with others in their neighbourhood/community.